
Horóscopo del día para Aries

If you want my future, forget my past...*

one more night I wanna be with you, where i wanna hold you tight it feels so right tonight,
so leave it up to you and i think the time is right to stop the fight. with tears in my eyes]
Take is to easy but give you never do it, it's new how I feel*


dimarts, 23 d’octubre del 2007

Spice Girls]*

In Language room, we did an Interview talking about the death of one of the Spice Girls. =)

enjoy it!

Gery: Laia Saló
Emma: Elisenda Lladó
Victoria: Anna Genis
Merci: Marina Julià
Melby: :(


- Neus: Good evening, welcome to MTV, today we have a tour guests, they are “SpiceGirls”, but they are
only tour because one of them has died. A round of applause!
- Gery: Hello everybody!
- Emma: Hiya!
- Victoria: Hi guys!
- Mercy: Hello Snow (Neus xD)
- Neus: I’m sorry for your loss, she would be glad, you decided to get back together. And…
- Gery: Thank you for your support, since her dead we feel stronger and united on stage.
- Emma: It’s nice to be together again, but isn’t the same four than five, but will do that we can.
- Victoria: Yes it’s nice because I have less time to go shopping and stay with my hosband and my sons.
- Melcy: Oh Victoria! You’re a posh! One of your best friends has died and you only tink of going shopping…
- Victoria: I’m a posh because I can.
- Emma: Girls, girls, girls! PEACE AND LOVE please :)
- Neus: Thanks Emma, and now it’s a adverstisement time.
(few minutes later)

- Neus: We’re here again! And for finished the show girls are going to say some Goodbye song sentence in Melby’s memory.
- Gery: Goodbye, my friend…
- Emma: I know you're gone
- Victoria: you said you're gone
- Melcy: but I can still feel you here. It's not the end…
- Gery: I hope that you come in all our concerts! :)
