
Horóscopo del día para Aries

If you want my future, forget my past...*

one more night I wanna be with you, where i wanna hold you tight it feels so right tonight,
so leave it up to you and i think the time is right to stop the fight. with tears in my eyes]
Take is to easy but give you never do it, it's new how I feel*


dimarts, 9 d’octubre del 2007


What about feelings?

How you know, love is an important thing in our lifes. It makes us happy, or maybe unhappy. Feelings are incotrolable, when you feel something, it's dificult to scape, it follows us wherever we are.
Some people say that when you are in love you become silly, and this is because you always are thinking about the same.
On the other hand we've got fears. I'm afraid of love. It's ironic. isn't it?. Well, it's not a really fear, sometimes I think that it goes on the right way in my life and sometimes I'm worried about my feelings
because sometimes you can hurt people, or you can be hurt!

There are more feelings, everybody knows that, but today I only would talk about love, and fears about love.

Well, and other thing.
How you know I really like music. I play the violin, a little bit piano and guitarr, and flute.
This is the reason that I've pasted here a video of one of the mosts important violinist on the world. His name is Isaac Stern, and he is very old, but He plays really good[!] The last video it's "Centone di Sonate" of Paganini. I love this song..I try to play it, it's really nice, isn't it?

For finish only say that I think that I'll be some days without upload nothing because exams are coming soon!

1 comentari:

Anònim ha dit...

Very, very nice photo, because... you are beautiful! :D
