
Horóscopo del día para Aries

If you want my future, forget my past...*

one more night I wanna be with you, where i wanna hold you tight it feels so right tonight,
so leave it up to you and i think the time is right to stop the fight. with tears in my eyes]
Take is to easy but give you never do it, it's new how I feel*


dilluns, 15 d’octubre del 2007

Sweet weekend]*

Give me a change to see that you are made for me*

This weekend, similar like the last one, it has been really nice. Thursday with our friends "desesperados" in the 5sentidos. We took this photo the same day while we were waiting our friends.We play to a game named "companions" and that is played doing questions and respoder only yes or not.

On the other hand, on Saturday I went to the village of my uncles and I met a friend that when we were little we were always going out to play to the square, and that now, because of the time, It was doing a lot of time that I wasn't speaking with him

The photography placed to the right I did it to myself in a restaurant to which I went Sunday to the midday for eat. It is a very nice restaurant and, because of it, I could extract some pretty photographies. This one is an a bit crazy photo because I was feeling as a small girl in the swings. It was nice, after the meal that we did! I can only say that it has been a different but entertaining weekend and overcoat I was charmed to recovered a old lost friendship.

__see you soon__


PD_today is the birthday of one of my cousins: Jaume!

2 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

Hello Elisenda!!!

Happy birthday cousin of Elisenda, xD!!

I don't have many inpiration this night, but I write this words for you!!! :D

Bye Senda!

_mrcee* ha dit...


i like your photo..
and the second photo whith the swing i've bad remembrances because in one of its I had broken my teeth
