
Horóscopo del día para Aries

If you want my future, forget my past...*

one more night I wanna be with you, where i wanna hold you tight it feels so right tonight,
so leave it up to you and i think the time is right to stop the fight. with tears in my eyes]
Take is to easy but give you never do it, it's new how I feel*


dimecres, 14 de novembre del 2007

*I pread my wings and prepare to fly
For you I've become a butterfly*

What to say today?
- I've start a new kind of life.

This last weekend I've opened my eyes. I've seen that not all the people are similar. There are some nice people that they make your life easier. I see that I don't have to look the future, only live the present of each day, live every moment how much I can.
There is a person that it's helpping me a lot he's every day next to me, and I know that he won't hurt me, I think that only me can broke this nice friendship, and I don't want that, because it's going better every day. I'm proud to have met him. I'm every moment laughting with him and with his friends, at the same time, it is happening to Marina, that we are comparting a nice story. It's not the first time that we are living the same, but now it's more better that the last time, because it's improving every second that it pasts, because we are calm with ourself and we don't need more for feel good. Only a little bit of love, a little bit of friendship, a little bit of caress and a little bite of regard.
Bit by bit all will be perfect =)