
Horóscopo del día para Aries

If you want my future, forget my past...*

one more night I wanna be with you, where i wanna hold you tight it feels so right tonight,
so leave it up to you and i think the time is right to stop the fight. with tears in my eyes]
Take is to easy but give you never do it, it's new how I feel*


dimecres, 3 d’octubre del 2007

Happy Birthday to you =)

Today is a special day =)
This boy of the picture, Carles, now, it's 15 years old!
It's a special person for me, because he is my ex-boyfriend but we have a nice friendship. Sometimes I miss him, because when you have comparted a lot of things with a person, it's really dificult to forget. (smiles, good moments, dates, words, things for laught...) I couldn't stop to tell all the things. But not all the things are forever, isn't it? And I'm really happy to have this sweety friendship, because it's special =)
I haven't got anything more to say, because the importants things I know that he knows, so only sat that I hope that today going to be nice for him*
kiss & hugs
I upload here a video of some photos about him, so enjoy it*

the song that you can listen, is our own song*

1 comentari:

Marina_7 ha dit...

senditaaa! :)

happy birthday carlitos! ^^

senda, do you like do a lot of things in the blog isn't it? joujou

I'm tired...

well, tell me anything on msn yes?
